I have the following R2RML mapping:
rr:logicalTable [
rr:tableName "AGENCY";
rr:subjectMap [
rr:template "http://example.org/agency/{\"agency_id\"}";
rr:termType ;…
issue: Creating transformations is tedious, requires specialized knowledge, and doesn't visualize the shape. YARRML and ONTOP OBDA provide great "shorthand" notations for faster writing, but still don…
when i execute my batch file i get this error
error:Unable to find or load main class gr.seab.r2rml.beans.Main
RFC for:
* [RMLTC0007h-CSV](https://rml.io/test-cases/#rmltc0007h-csv)
* [RMLTC0007h-JSON](https://rml.io/test-cases/#rmltc0007h-json)
* [RMLTC0007h-XML](https://rml.io/test-cases/#rmltc0007h-xml)
genes.tsv from https://www.pharmgkb.org/downloads raise a stackOverflow outOfMemory error issue when running r2rml after AutoR2RML. Even if the genes.tsv files is only a couple Mo
What have been tr…
I am experiencing an issue with RMLMapper where colons (:) in the id field of my JSON data are getting encoded into %3A in the resulting RDF knowledge graph. Below are the details of my inpu…
Hi. Can anyone explain whether this is a bug or am I doing smth wrong?
at fr.unice.i3s.morph.xr2rml.mongo.engine.MorphMongoUnfolder.unfoldTriplesMap(MorphMongoUn…
I've been trying to get r2rml bootstrap to work. I have posted a message here:
Any thoughts?
issue: RDFization mostly consists of: 1. Shaping data, 2. Cleaning/transforming fields. The former is standardized but the latter largely is not. There are various languages for expressions/functions …
The doc grammars at https://github.com/semantalytics/xsparql/blob/master/doc/ do not show that XSPARQL can query RDBMS using SQL, something extremely useful and which is used to implement RDB2RDF DM a…