How is it possible to search in a rails admin list with "OR" multiple filters ?
It possible to add conditions but only with "AND".
searchable_select.scss-1.8.0 does not work with cssbundling gem because @codevise/activeadmin-searchable_select/src/searchable_select.scss does an '@import "select2"' which should be spelled out with …
fvue updated
2 months ago
I want to cache the result of with_role method, but it is not cached. (do always query to database)
I guess it is because the result of with_role method is not the ActiveRecord::Relation, but I c…
accepts_nested_attributes_for :seo
config.model Conteudo do
edit do
field :titulo
field :conteudo, :text do
ckeditor true
nested_fields …
Mockups: [Figma](https://www.figma.com/design/kQOH4s5DnfWL0p6o6tlMQz/Draft-%5BATS%5D?node-id=1720-10529&t=Aivif5wlJq7UHGM0-1)
- [ ] Route: /settings/recruitment/sources
- [ ] Title: Settings - Rec…
Lyams updated
5 hours ago
**Describe the bug**
Upgrading from 0.27.x -> 0.28.x using 0.11.1 of `decidim-awesome`.
decidim@foo:~/decidim$ bin/rails decidim:upgrade
rails aborted!
NameError: uninitialized constant D…
this line gives n+1 error when using bullet gem.
GET /admin
AVOID eager lo…
Hi All,
Seem to be getting this error whilst creating a page in my Rails Admin CMS -
Unauthorized assignment to lft: it's an internal field handled by acts_as_nested_set code, use move_to_* met…
I have just downloaded stable version of rails_admin (0.4.6) and stable version of rich (1.4.6)
I made:
`bundle install`
`rails generate rich:install`
`rake db:migrate`
Everything works well…
I use Rails Admin and I wanted to setup Rich with it. After bundle install I've run:
rails generate rich:install
rake db:migrate
I use Devise with model name Admin, so I modified `/config/in…