**[Required]** Your device (RaspberryPi3, LaptopPC, or other device name): LaptopPC
**[Required]** Your device's CPU architecture (armv7l, x86_64, or other architecture name): I7 8700K
Pi 3b image: [CentOS-Userland-7-armv7hl-Minimal-1603-RaspberryPi3](http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/isos/armhfp/CentOS-Userland-7-armv7hl-Minimal-1603-RaspberryPi3.img.xz)
Built Ok, but encountered…
Here is the code example.
$ cat backtrace.cc
void backtrace()
**[Required]** Your device (RaspberryPi3, LaptopPC, or other device name):
Laptop (MacBook Pro 15" Early 2013
**[Required]** Your device's CPU architecture (armv7l, x86_64, or other architecture…
Leopard LI-IMX219-MIPI-FF-NANO-H136
Raspberry Pi 3B+
raspistill -v -o img.jpg
raspistill Camera App v1.3.11
Width 3280, Height 2464, quality 85, filename img.jpg
Time delay 5000, R…
**[Required]** Your device (RaspberryPi3, LaptopPC, or other device name): Laptop PC
**[Required]** Your device's CPU architecture (armv7l, x86_64, or other architecture name):
It seems that the hostname keyword in docker-compose does not work as expected in some cases, causing inter-container communication to fail.
**Actual:** Something wrong with the configuration, I have double-checked, by default value false
**Expected:** USEPROXY=true
I have installed [rocky-pi](https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/sig/9/altarch/aarch64/images/README.txt) OS on a RPI3 and dwm desktop. I have also installed all necessary packages to be able to run the OnAi…
nt74 updated
5 months ago