### FILE
ActiveAdmin.register AirdropRecipient do
actions :all, except: :destroy
includes :airdrop
menu parent: 'Stores', label: 'Airdrop Recipients'
# preserve_default_filters!
### FILE
ActiveAdmin.register AdminUser do
permit_params :email, :password, :password_confirmation, role_ids: []
includes :roles
actions :all, except: :destroy
menu parent: 'Configurati…
### FILE
ActiveAdmin.register AdminRole do
permit_params :name
menu parent: 'Configuration', label: 'Admin Roles'
# See permitted parameters documentation:
# https://github.com/activeadm…
**Describe the bug**
Trying to run `bb remote` in a Git worktree directory, it fails with:
`remote config: determine remote: the git repository must have a remote configured to use remote Bazel`
I'm trying to add this work to SDXL, but I had issues with content leakage. And it seems that adjusting the learning rate and iteration steps didn't work .Can you give me any advice?
**Please provide an in-depth description of the question you have**:
My member cluster sometimes returns error when deal with readyz, so taint_manager patch gracefulEvictionTasks on all related r…
module Api::V1
class P2pTrades::TradeDisputesController < Api::BaseController
before_action :find_trade
def index
render json: @trade.disputes, each_serializer: P2pTradeDisputeSer…
module Api::V1
class P2pTrades::PaymentMethodsController < Api::BaseController
include ::P2pTrades::PaymentMethodHelper
def index
render json: payment_methods
module Api::V1
class P2pTrades::OnlineWalletsController < Api::BaseController
include ::P2pTrades::OnlineWalletHelper
def index
render json: online_wallets
def create…
module Api::V1
class P2pTrades::BlockUsersController < Api::BaseController
include ::P2pTrades::BlockUserHelper
def index
render json: get_blocked_users
def create