I noticed that you are looking on adding virtualization. I'm also interested in adding this to my project.
`react-window` might be another good option for a virtualization library. It was made by t…
Can you please add documentation regarding to web support? Thank you for this wonderful component!
I'm trying to upload images to IPFS through web3.storage pkg on my NextJS app. I install it with `yarn add web3.storage`, and I'm pretty sure that it exist in the node_modules. But, when I impo…
version: "@nosferatu500/react-sortable-tree": "^4.4.0",
In the old method using reactVirtualizedListProps, automatic scrolling was enabled by simply referencing the treeIndex from the current…
I was having a play around with your keyboard navigation, and I want to suggest an improvement.
**Problem**: When a user uses the keyboard to navigate the list, the list item should be in focus.
Rendering messages with
- Attachment images
- Emotes
- A name with a Bot/Server badge
all cause overflow issues on mobile devices when rendering with lists such as React Virtuoso, which causes…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Open
These updates have all …
# Problem description
The [SPARQL 1.1 extensions functions](http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#extensionFunctions) states that additional functions are accepted in queries defined under IRIs: _A Pr…
I tried it on Medium, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook and Vocal (vocal.media). It works only on Twitter and Youtube, it half-works on FB and Medium (it works on new posts but not comments…) and it does not…
## Задача
Создать React-компоненты, реализующие таблицы.
## Дизайн
@Zaycevq проработает дизайн.
Необходимо продумать у ячеек состояния:
- `hovered` – наведение на ячейку
- `active` – н…