Hi! Thanks for the nice work.
I'm quite confused about whether or not DPPs for ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 are inserted as pooling layers __after__ the bottleneck? That seems increase the computation …
I was trying to train resnet-50 from scratch on UCF101 split 1.
but my validation accuracy(clip) is only about 40%.
The accuracy is also 40% on resnet-18 which is trained from scratch.
Is …
Can you provide models/resnet/ResNet-50-train-val-gesl.prototxt?
Hello, IREE developers, I've seen a similar question asked before: https://github.com/iree-org/iree/issues/11573#issuecomment-1371128261, but it seems lack of further discussion.
Suppose we have a c…
LWenH updated
1 month ago
BrushNet CL: image_latents shape = torch.Size([1, 4, 300, 135]) interpolated_mask shape = torch.Size([1, 1, 300, 135])
Requested to load BaseModel
Loading 1 new model
loaded partially 64.0 63.99903…
Facebook scaled ResNet-50 to 8K, is there an example to implement?
The resnet-50 example at https://github.com/uber/horovod/b…
Getting error on training ResNet-50 Kaiming He model on Cifar-10 Dataset
Error: ERROR: >= 0 (-5 vs. 0) on pool5 layer.
Creating layer res5c
Creating Layer res5c
res5c = 0 (-5 vs. 0)
Is this m…
Hi, I want to use resnet_50.pth pre-trained encoder to extract 3D feature maps from medical images. Is the following method correct? It seems strange that the parameters of width, height, depth and nu…
I'm trying to run a single node benchmark with resnet-50 and 32 accelerators on v1.0 tag.
ubuntu@ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx:/mnt/training_volume/benchmark/storage$ ./benchmark.sh run --hosts xxx.xxx.xxx…
thanks for the great work! Would you be interested in adding the necessary adjustments/configs to HuggingFace, so that the model can be loaded with the ```Auto``` functions from Huggingface `…