See http://www.baeldung.com/swagger-2-documentation-for-spring-rest-api
`gradle build` fails with `> Could not get unknown property 'ossrhUsername' for root project 'spring-restdocs-postman' of type org.gradle.api.Project.
(used by the uploadArchives task).
Could t…
I couldn't seem to find a way to set response status description. It is currently always using the status code by default:
description: "200"
**Alluxio Version:**
**Describe the bug**
Restful /paths/{path}/exists API return 200 with empty content, for example 'exists' should return true or false and never expected to have an empt…
这篇文章将带你了解如何用spring官方推荐的restdoc去生成api文档。本文创建一个简单的springboot工程,将http接口通过Api文档暴露出来。只需要通过 JUnit单元测试和Spring的MockMVC就可以生成文档。
### 재현경로
- 하단의 테스트환경 주소 접근
- 하단의 위치에서 ctrl키 입력
### 현재결과
- 앞은 소문자 뒤는 대문자로 나타남
- Swagger2markup - https://github.com/Swagger2Markup/swagger2markup
- Spring REST Docs (works with any Java project, not just one based on Spring) - http://projects.spring.io/spring-restdocs/
The gre…
I'm curious about how to put some important information about param/field constraints/format according to the Open API 3.0 spec: https://swagger.io/specification/#schema-object. Especially, constraint…