The API route seems to have changed to v2, though the JS fiddle example still uses the older non-working version. This subtly changed code should work.
'use strict';
ShMcK updated
7 years ago
PR https://github.com/nss-day-cohort-15/pinterest-d15-team-winterest/pull/14 breaks Ron Swanson quote feature. Working on fixing.
While converting a project to use GitVersion I commented out the `Assembly*Version` attributes but still received the following error when compiling.
> File contains assembly version attributes with …
- Fonts
- Images on homepage
- what else?
@guymeyer and I are working on the 3.0 website. As such, I require new customer reviews for the app and traditionally (meaning once, back when I released 2.0) I get those from beta testers! If you've …
atm its just duplicated with `listing.listing_user.username`
![screen shot 2016-04-08 at 22 01 32](http://img.prntscr.com/img?url=http://i.imgur.com/xm9vLVh.png)
however we require in th…
We should get some documentation around what the roadmap for Rusoto looks like. Roadmap to 1.0, what's after that, etc...
Would be nice to get community involvement instead of Matt doing what he wan…
Probando en rails console
=> # p.valid?
ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag Load (1.6ms) SELECT "tags".\* FROM "tags" INNER JOIN "taggings" ON "tags"."id" = "taggings"."tag_id" WHERE "taggings"."taggable_id" = …
``` bash
48) Proposal#editable? should be true if proposal has less than limit votes
Failure/Error: let(:proposal) { create(:proposal) }
Validation f…