This will require development of the following components:
- [ ] #1163
### Description
`CookieOidcRefresher` expects an ID token from the token endpoint. This seems wrong, based on the [spec](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#RefreshTokenResponse), …
This will check for things like https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/16011
What is the use of SDE sampling and ODE sampling in FlowModel?
Only xt, ut, and vt were calculated during training.
Were SDE sampling and ODE sampling used to calculate vt?
Again a very '90s idea, but for grant writing purposes would it make sense to implement a visitor counter?
Possibly this should be restricted to the admin interface for internal use only. Longer te…
Can you help download the sample data through Baidu Cloud or other means?
Others who have sample data can also help send me a copy, thank you。
### What were you reviewing?
Looking at this: https://nih-ncpi.github.io/ncpi-fhir-ig-2/module_overview.html page, specificially on:
**NCPI Person and NCPI Participants**
We want to make sure …
**Section** [link1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/main/sdk/appconfiguration/azure-data-appconfiguration/src/samples/java/com/azure/data/appconfiguration/ReadmeSamples.java#L377),…
- Only show exact matches and excluded count, not fraction in ARG
- Show exclusion fraction on it's own axis, as it should always be near zero.
- Show scorpio composition of samples processed and ac…
Whilst the most common and obvious implementation for the Langevin thermostat is with Gaussian sampling, the current Langevin thermostat in MRMD samples the uniform distribution centered around 0.