## steps
Task `doc` executed in Scala 3 projects with Scala versions other than 3.0.0* generates warning: `Flag -project set repeatedly`
## problem
Probably [this](https://github.com/sbt/sbt/…
def exists(@deprecatedName("f", "2.13.3") p: A => Boolean): Boolean
in http://dotty.epfl.ch/api/scala/collection/ArrayOps.html#exists-fffff66f.
For 99.99% of the users, the fac…
Generate documentation based on Scaladoc and publish it on http://picnicml.github.io.
inejc updated
5 years ago
cvogt updated
9 years ago
Currently the scaladoc looks non-empty, so it's better than nothing. (Even scaladoc without additional comments serves some purpose.)
Please put the generated scaladoc online in gh-pages. You can ma…
``-level headings (i.e. those created by =Heading= wiki-style markup) in the body of Scaladoc-generated HTML have a spurious indent from the left. This does not appear to serve any purpose, and is per…
See instructions at https://scalameta.org/mdoc/docs/docusaurus.html#include-scaladoc-in-site
There may be some dragons here, as the docs at that link use docusaurus v1 (not v2) and we're not using …
Inspired by: https://users.scala-lang.org/t/scaladoc-3-static-site/7924/3
currently we only provide Scaladoc and expect Java people to cope with it.
this has two disadvantages:
- Scaladoc is confusing for people working in Java
- Scaladoc ignores doc comments (whether Scal…
## Compiler version
$ scalac --version; scaladoc --version
Scala compiler version 3.3.0 -- Copyright 2002-2023, LAMP/EPFL
Scaladoc version 3.3.0 -- Copyright 2002-2023, LAMP/EPFL
## …