Using `toogle()` function makes the line go to HIGH state, but once at HIGH it does not invert the logic to LOW. So, an LED with toogle (i.e. the Blink example) will stay ON.
Is it normal for the binary HEX/S19 file generated by Platformio/SDCC to be larger than the code generated by STVD/Cosmic?
The attached codes are complete projects for using serial port w…
Can we shave off a cycle here and there by optimising the code?
Everytime I compile the program (7 segment). I get this message
warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x0000] has no section. (pass 0)
warning: Relocation symbol "_cinit" [0x0004] has no section. (pa…
ich habe gerade gesehen, dass es noch ein anderes git fuer den KC gibt, kann man beide irgendwie vereinen?
Let's contrast zsdcc and sccz80 for code that uses a variable number of arguments. I get:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/spectrum$ z88dk.zcc +cpm -compiler=sdcc vargs.c -O3 -o vargs.com && tnylpo vargs.com
a …
When I plug in power source, only first display from the right shows numbers. Those I think are random, but it is to investigate.
just git clone from git clone https://github.com/contiki-os/contiki
then build hello -> make TARGET=cc2530dk hello-world
but it show me:
I'm a newbie to 8051 ...
I started down this track myself but you are far in advance.
I want to interface to the esp8266 and am willing to help get there.
Do you have a makefile or script for compili…
It would be nice to have the intellisense semantic analysis for specific toolchains. When these toolchains use the own specific compiler keywords and rules (depending on the architecture).