here's a good index:
here's the index to twitter searches (for david technically, but houston should review to make sure it does what he wants it to do):
An issue dedicated to COVID-19 sentiment analysis task. Will be using the [COVID19 Tweets](https://www.kaggle.com/gpreda/covid19-tweets/data) dataset found on Kaggle.
Hi..Just wondering if this would work for performing sentiment analysis via Stanford core nlp?If so, could you please share an example code. Thanks!
`researchers are starting to collate software engineering specific training data _1134_`
Recently several articles and corresponding datasets have been released in this field:
* N. Novielli, F. Ca…
[see Tweepy API] [Also check nltk library]
This should take a list of Statuses and return a prediction.
Where can I find the results of the sentiment analysis?
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Hi Brain,
I gone through your course 'Introduction to Natural Language' in Udemy. It was very helpful and your explanation is very interesting. i have started learning NLP and i have few doubts on…