Chrome has support for a feature called SharedWorkers. This allows you to run a process in the background shared between multiple tabs with the same origin. It's essentially a small extension over a w…
pvh updated
11 months ago
Summary made by @antonroman from https://github.com/reTHINK-project/dev-runtime-core/issues/111
To summarize, we should focus on three possible solutions to check which of them meets more reTHINK req…
Details in https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SharedWorker
This should work
var myWorker = new SharedWorker('worker.js');
Thank you for creating this library, I especially like `exponentialTruncatedBackoff`.
The main idea for this feature request is described below:
datio updated
2 years ago
Currently step 11.2 of:
Only compares origin, name, etc when looking for an existing SharedWorker instance. This should check StorageKey instead o…
With Safari TP 63:
FAIL Compare CSS div definitions (only valid if pre-reqs pass) - assert_equals: Different value for -webkit-mask-box-image-…
When a page is closed or SharedWorker Terminated, there should be a way to notify SharedWorker for any required cleanup(in my case websocket STOMP subscriptions)
When shared worker is terminated, the…
[`worker-loader@3.0.0`](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/worker-loader/releases/tag/v3.0.0) has been released so we can now update it and move the shared worker to load with it using the `workerType…
Currently there are a few ways you can end up with a "dead" worker object:
1. The script failed to load
2. The script failed to evaluate
3. Tried to attached to a SharedWorker with a different `isSecu…