**Bug details**
I have a typescript error when expanding the SDK in typescript.
> Could not find a declaration file for module 'shopify-buy/index.unoptimized.umd'. '.../node_modules/shopify-buy/in…
According to this link , we have to set "inventory_behavior:decrement_obeying_policy" to decrease variant quantity when order is created via Order Api . But I can't find that property to set in Shopif…
## Problem
The Readme should be pretty explicit that Shopify is no longer accepting offsite gateway submissions through Active Merchant.
## Solution
Include an explanation of the situation and recom…
**Please complete the checklist before filing an issue:**
- [x] Is this a "how to" question? For questions on how to use the SDK, implement features or other related questions, [please use our foru…
Hello Shopify—
Myself (and I think [many others](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71484369/how-can-i-sync-prices-after-deprecation-of-presentmentprices-field-after-shopify)) are a bit lost with …
### Description
OS: macOS 14.4
CPU: (12) arm64 Apple M2 Pro
Memory: 103.27 MB / 16.00 GB
Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
Node: 16.20.2 - ~/.…
I am trying to integrate react-native-shopify into my current react native project. I was very happy to see that someone had built a way to integrate the Mobile-Buy-SDK and appreciate you c…
- What Hydrogen is
- It is an opinionated React framework and SDK for building custom Shopify storefronts
- What are the founding principles of Hydrogen
- Easy to use, good ergonomics, exc…
This may be a pedantic nitpicky thing, but it doesn't seem right to publish the SDK using the `com.shopify` package. It implies an official endorsement where none exists. Perhaps this should be change…