Great work on the gem!
I'm trying to use the gem's validators in my own rspec suite, so that I'm able to say something like:
``` ruby
it { is_expected.to allow_file_size(1.5.megabyes, :image)…
Upgrading from Rails 5.1.5 to 5.2.0 results in
`ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)`
Here is the Gemfile that is created when suspenders generates an app now:
source "https://rubygems.org"
git_source(:github) do |repo_name|
repo_name = "#{repo_name}/#{repo_name}" unl…
With the following options (in 2.0.1) :
jeweler --rspec --shoulda --user-name dgmora --user-email david@somewhere.com --github-username dgmora --git-remote heythere --create-repo --yard heythere…
The provided matcher does not work when used with durations, such as `1.day`. I even tried it with the original blog post code examples [1], and it failed there as well. Digging a little deeper, I not…
- Reemplazar la sobrecarga del método initialize con default_value_for
- Reformular nombres de constantes
- Constantes p…
jmax updated
11 years ago
Is there a way to generate counter-examples to a regex pattern? This would be incredibly useful for writing tests for format validators. Think `validates_format_of` for [shoulda-matchers](https://gith…
tlubz updated
5 years ago
- guardで監視
- rpsecファイル作成
- factory_girlのテストデータ作成
- capybaraのフォーム入力作成
- spring対応
I have one model with two column (applicant_id and career_id) and both are foreign keys. When I a try to validate applicant_id or career_id is uniqueness
should validate_uniqueness_of(:applican…
ElamT updated
2 years ago