What if the doctor can obtain nanites (swep) upon opening or pressing something in the TARDIS with could serve serveral purposes depending on what the doctor will send them?
-Disable …
If you turned engines off in zero-g on spacebuild, it would fall with gravity. Need to add checks to prevent this behaviour.
Also, could do with life support being present in the interior if possible…
G:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons\CAP_Resources from https://github.com/RafaelDeJongh/cap_resources.git
The XML response contains invalid XML
Malformed XML: no element found…
Upon attempting to connect with a user using the "caching_sha2_password" authentication plugin, I get this error:
Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded: /usr/local/mysql…
SBEP doesn't seem to be being maintained which is why I'm putting this here.
Currently fusion generators slowly produce an infinite amount of water when they shouldn't.
As originally requested by @shadowscion in #232 we can create arbitrary props with propcore but not constraints.
@Nebual currently has a quickly-written extension for this, and there is apparently a …
For some reason,whenever I spawn the TARDIS and open the doors,instead of showing the interior it shows the skybox. This happens with any TARDIS interior/exterior and any map. This also happens when …
I'd be very surprised if this has not been requested before, but I couldn't find a duplicate.
The 32768^3 unit map size restriction is limiting, particularly for SpaceBuild maps and some RP maps, and…
RPG, Grenade, Asuran gate weapon and Crossbow bullets go through the shield. I tested this with only CAP, Spacebuild and Wiremod. It used to work properly but I think an update to Gmod broke this. Any…