999 doesn't fit into xsd:byte, which is a signed 8 bit int...
would be nice to have a test for defined behavior of query:
`SELECT ( "999"^^ > 0 AS ?result ) {}`
results in the wild:
- jena: un…
## Why?
HTTP 1/1 has limitations such as the status code required to be sent first, not allowing for errors or timeouts during results response (#51).
WebSockets is designed for building differe…
@vrandezo [pointed out](https://twitter.com/vrandezo/status/1116737909858504704) the ease of [LDflex](https://ruben.verborgh.org/blog/2018/12/28/designing-a-linked-data-developer-experience/#ldflex), …
- Expliciter le comportement de l’extension (contrôles bloquants et non bloquants, différents niveaux de contraintes, d’alertes, de suggestions)
- Pointer vers les discussions de la communauté (ticke…
See https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr/wiki/Capturing-triple-origin-in-SPARQL-star for a version of this use case.
Provide sufficient information so that a member of the working group's Use Case Task F…
## Describe the requirement
I have been working with member assertions lately and I figured that in the current design they do not make sense when their `subject/property/object` are blank nodes
As a SHACL user, I want to validate an existing large dataset using a SHACL model, so that I can report possible problems without requiring them to be fixed immediately.
The existing SHACL Sail imp…
From https://github.com/edamontology/edamontology/issues/421:
* `file_extension` in EDAM must be given in lower case
* `file_extension` value also appears in ```hasExactSynonym``` (and preserving…
At the minimum, we need a project depth of three:
ServiceSpace -> ConceptSpace -> DataSpace
- A ServiceSpace is assigned a single SPARQL service. The ServiceSpace is a container for ConceptSpaces. Fo…
#### Issue type:
- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request
#### Description:
If bindings streams are sorted in (partially) the same manner, then we can use the more efficient sort-merge join…