I have retrained MobileNetSSD V1 and V2 models with my own dataset. They both work perfectly with tensorflow and the converted TFLite models work perfect with MLKit. However the same models converte…
I found that the first feature layer output is 19*19 and last two layers both give a 1*1 size output, dose it correct? Why choosing such a small size comparing to the original structure?
Dear ChunML,
I tested your code ssd-tf2. I look good job.
But, i need deploy on Coral TPU with small memory. So, i want decrease size model. Can you add option SSD with MOBILENET backbone?
Thank y…
I have done some testing with the latest Vulkan drivers on a Raspberry Pi 4 (64-OS). Knowing the driver is still under construction, the results were a great disappointment. No acceleration at all, it…
I have already worked with converting Yolov3 to .tmfile (uint8) and monitored the inference time on VIM3 Khadas board. Similarly, I have converted mobilenet.caffemodel model into uint8 format.
For i…
cannot find load function for operator: Cast
Create graph failed
,errno: 0
Hi All ,
It appears that we cannot clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/ML-zoo.git
Cloning into 'ML-zoo'...
remote: Enumerati…
SSD-MobileNetV1 | ssd_mobilenet_v1_10.onnx | 10 | reshape: Wrong number of elements for reshape | https://github.com/onnx/models/blob/main/vision/object_detection_segmentation/ssd-mobilenetv1/model/…
Models with resize ops and dynamic width and height are failing to compile with this error: