I appear to be receiving the same error in the same place as Davide does in his comment in the "Issue with HotSpot Analysis Plugin - no module named shapes".
However, I am unable to implement the w…
Okay I'll lead off by summarising some of things that have been said on Twitter, our email thread, and bobbing around in my own brain:
# Get the basics right
From the conversation we've had so far…
derive a probabilistic assessment of cluster assignment
With reload modules on in Spyder, we can get bugs where `isinstance(RealNumbers(), RealNumbers)` does not seem to hold, at least if the parameters are given in a more complicated manner.
Found [this paper](https://github.com/Unidata/MetPy/files/1156870/2012EJP_ClausiusClapeyron_corrected.pdf) which describes how to properly use Clausius-Clapyron to calculate saturation vapor pressure.…
As background, -Xtrace method trace on a class constructor along with a jstacktrace trigger is a great way to find who is leaking something. This is particularly useful for issues such as objects that…
kgibm updated
3 years ago
### Configuration
**.NET Version:** 3.1.403
**dotnet-trace version:** 3.1.141901+3f460984c62efa118b6bd87fa4c5f07b11074b34
**OS:** Linux
**Dockerized?** The app is running in a docker container a…
Applied regression analysis
- plotting of residuals is a standard technique for all regression analyses
- In practice, we most often look at a plot of the spreads of the repe…
Both for GCM and LES configurations of the model, we need to be able to accumulate various statistics (time aggregates) at runtime. For each of these, we should save _averages over time windows_ (e.g.…
partition the (endog, exog) space and compute cell counts/proportions, use chisquare test as hypothesis tests, asymptotic covariance for chisquare statistic is not "trivial"
similar to Hosmer-Lemes…