Need to come up with the standard for returning error and status codes -- there is no plan so far. I'd like to see this span a standard error responses structure, as well as application of HTTP status…
Add a `enum` or `class` to handle response codes from Swish
Not sure how to handle http errors with this package. I am getting database query specific error. It would be nice to have explicit error messages or at least a status code response.
Explain what is the difference between status code 404 and 501. For example if I call the following endpoint: GET /psts/31 (note the typo!), which error will I get? 404 (psts endpoint not found) or 50…
**Reported by @stefanb on 28 Oct 2003 12:51 UTC**
Section 10 of RFC 2616 defines error codes that a http server should return in
case of a problem:
ghost updated
14 years ago
@darlanmendonca, is interesting put other status codes in [reference](https://github.com/darlanmendonca/rest#status-code)?
Ensure that the following fields are included in the following endpoints.
#### Fields
- evalStatusCode
- evalStatusCodeDescription
- submissionAvailabilityCode
- submissionAvailabilityCodeDescription…
## Feature Request
### Motivation
I'd like to be able to return a 504 if the timeout given to the `TimeoutLayer`
is exceeded. This is because a 408, which is currently returned, [is meant to
As well as the usual data response we want to return status codes for the endpoints too
http-status-codes 是什么,不用它可以吗?