### User Story
As a STLT receiving ELR,
I want to only receive test results that are antigen tests for a given condition,
so that my programs have the correct type of tests we are interested in ana…
needs guidance on a system to use for insurance member identifiers.
Could use something like
I had this validation error when parsing the profiles of the mcode IG:
ERROR:__main__:Error parsing mcode/StructureDefinition-mcode-cancer-related-medication-request.json: 1 validation err…
axelv updated
2 months ago
It is possible to specify another model than FHIR, i.e. "QICore", in which case the modelinfo introduces first-class members into the resources for extensions and slices.
define "In…
Should the snapshot generator change the cardinality of a slice intro?
Im Zuge der Modellirung des MTB-Moduls wurde überlegt, ob die CarePlan Ressource von R5 nicht besser geeignet sei, ddie Datenfelder abzubilden.
- https://hl7.org/fhir/R5/careplan.html
- https://h…
The profile BELMMedProduct (at URL https://www.ehealth.fgov.be/standards/fhir/medication/StructureDefinition/BELMMedProduct) appears to represent medicinal products in the current branch - but does no…
Hier von MoLGen Variante erben und die markierten Felder als weitere Felder zu component dazuslicen
For example, the base `Observation` profile says:
But the StructureDefinition for http://hl7-fhir.github.io/lipid-report-cholesterol.profile.xml says:
The following works fine:
Profile: MyOb
Parent: Observation
* ^contained[0] = http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Patient
but this does not work:
Alias: bar = http://hl7.org/fh…