When we share our website in other social platforms, we get such preview:
* [x] Create a new repository for mobile
* [x] Add Flutter specific .gitignore file
* [x] Construct pre-commit mechanism
* [x] Add the professor as a collaborator
In this issue, we aim to generate test coverage reports for our project. These reports are crucial for understanding the parts of our codebase that are well-tested and those that are not.
The task …
As in SWE574-Fall2023-Group1/SWE574-Fall2023-G1#4
we may have Discord Webhook to follow GitHub activities for mobile repo too.
I will revert the Docker images from slim-buster to ordinary ones
Construct git workflow w/ `dev`&`main` branches.
And then, follow [Gitflow Workflow](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow) in the code process.
In …
@SWE574-Fall2023-Group1/frontend The web app responds to button clicks but not to the enter key being pressed, at least not for all entry forms. Let's make sure the enter key has the same function as …
@SWE574-Fall2023-Group1/all We should start writing the report for milestone 2. I asked the professor for the template, I'll share the HackMD link and I'll be inviting everyone to edit.
Deadline: 4…
mobile password requires 6 character while web does not require that. Remove this validation from mobile app
As a frontend developer, I want to enhance web frontend codebase so that a fluent UX will be created.