Hello. I trained tacotron and WaveNet on small dataset. Tacotron is about 100k, wavenet is about 130k. I use mulaw-quantize and GTA. Is this good result for small dataset or I just need train more? Or…
Hi, @Sy-Zhang and team.
First of all, thank you for sharing your work!
I have a question using your code.
I am trying to use your model with my visual and text features (using clip)
For char…
Hi, thanks for this amazing work!
I am interested in your cross-dataset evaluation for TACO and DexYCB. However, I encounter some problems for the DexYCB dataloader and could not reach a satisfying…
I training tacotron for days on my MAC OS X CPUs, but Synthesis returns the following error.
My system is
Python 3.7
TF 1.13.1
Keras 2.2.2
librosa 0.6.2
Using TensorFlow backend.
loaded m…
Thank you for sharing the implementation. Unfortunately, I ran into a problem while I was following QM9 guide from `README.md`
**Steps taken:**
git clone https://github.com/google-r…
I would like to connect a Tacotron2 model to LPCNet.
Is there a way to convert the 80-mel coefficients (output of Taco2) into the 18 Bark scale + 2 pitch parameters (input of LPCNet) ?
environment : tensorflow 1.7.0, cuda 9.0, cudnn 7
I have tried to run train.py, but it is ended right after initiating train.
Here is the log.
Would you help me why it happens?
It stops duri…
Thanks for the great work! I'm also using FLAN for training, so I'm wondering how to include only tasks that are in Tasksource but not in FLAN.
File "sample.py", line 1, in
import cPickle as pkl
File "sample.py", line 65, in main
tasks = pkl.load(fin)
UnpicklingError: invalid load key, 'v'.
yaoli updated
8 years ago
In the ReadMe, it's mentioned
> Convert the data generated at the last step which has .f32 extension to what could be loaded with numpy. I merge it to the Tacotron feeder here and here with the fo…