Currently the effort has been made to organize and provide a consistent and correct output for the MAL dataset. All MAL bibliography currently contained in SEAD has now (unless specific connections be…
When doing a docker-compose build I get the following error: (I commented the spark service in the yaml file to avoid spark errors that appeared before)
#0 559.0 [INFO] ----------------------------…
Update is currently missing in refactor DDL. Need SQL update of new fields authors, title, full_ reference based on old fields.
Hi Nick!
Is it possible to use multiple types of ages in geoChronR? I want to include a tephra age in an otherwise C14 based chronology, and wonder how to tell geoChronR that this age is already on t…
We should check these at the end, it concerns several SDGs:
- 1.5 - By 2030, build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations and reduce their exposure and vulnerability to **cli…
Hi, I have executed succesfully the first (`cpanm --installdeps .`) and second (`perl Makefile.PL`) step. However, I obtain several erros when I execute the third step (`make test`).
Before #20353 :
MB Uberjar was 265 MB (https://github.com/metabase/metabase/actions/runs/1848360089)
After #20353:
MB Uberjar is 346 MB (https://github.com/metabase/metabase/actions/runs/1848…
Apache Phoenix SQL Layer on top of popular NOSQL database Apache HBase. Apache Phoenix also has transactional support with integration of projects like Apache Omid and Apache Tephra. This tool is very…
The image referenced here:
appears to have moved or gone missing. The result…
There are cases where running mostShared.sh on a project will not return anything, but when you run `zcat /da5_data/basemaps/gz/search.out | grep REPO | sort -t\; -n -k7` you get projects that use a b…