For exact schedules imported from GTFS, there is no oubound/inbound, frequencies or number of units. It is thus not possible to re-generate schedules for those paths, when the path is updated for exam…
### Name of Custom Property
Cal-ITP Services
### What is the problem that this is solving?
Users of Hubspot need a way to showcase which Cal-ITP services an agency is a part of. Currently, you have…
## Process checklist
- [ ] scope refinement/stakeholder research
- [ ] outline / review
- [ ] content research + dev’t
- [ ] content draft / review
- [ ] final draft / PR on github
## Responsi…
This is more a feature request this site shows a feature that would be nice for
Google Transit users. After finding a route, be able to use that as a source
for a POI search.
As a transit agen…
Hello, I have one of the newly re-designed ORCA cards (image of what the new card design looks like) that's beginning to roll out as part of the new system and have taken dumps of it after loading the…
### Name of Custom Property
Cellular Provider
### What is the problem that this is solving?
Cellular data and connectivity are key to helping transit providers modernize their technology and improv…
- AC Transit
- Samtrans
- Anything on Transloc
How does our tripplanner get real time info? Can we add info from different agencies to ours?
Do these agencies provide real time locati…
The map on the homescreen is currently restrained to a certain max zoom distance (good). But once we start supporting multiple transit agencies, it'd be really cool to remove that zoom cap and let peo…
**Issue by [mcplanner-zz](https://github.com/mcplanner-zz)**
_Nov 30, 2020_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF/gtfs-realtime-validator/issues/390_
I ran th…
This is more a feature request this site shows a feature that would be nice for
Google Transit users. After finding a route, be able to use that as a source
for a POI search.
As a transit agen…