## CVE-2018-20676 - Medium Severity Vulnerability
Vulnerable Library - bootstrap-3.3.5.min.js
The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
If I take a working call / use of the API and wrap it in an async function and call the function with await, then the API call won't do anything. In order to make sure that I get results in certain or…
This ticket is Following discussion with @dror3go:
Basic support with htu21d has been tested from development branch:
It would be really great to have some documentation around an efficient and reliable way to work with collections that are paged using next_token. I'm currently using a promiseWhile approach as below …
Please add Twitter and Google+ to the list.
I recently started getting [413 responses](https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/overview/connecting) from the `statuses/sample` streaming endpoint, but I had to put some logs into `streaming-api-connecti…
I'm getting 144 no status found with these methods although I've been able to delete the same ids in python.
Starting an issue here to keep track of the performance optimizations that can be done in v3:
- [x] Use HTTP/2
- [ ] Set proper `cache-control` headers for static assets. Consider using [`immutabl…
I am trying to use **collections/entries/curate** endpoint to add new tweet to the collection.
I tried
`const params = {id: 'custom-978631851660234753', changes: [{op: 'add', tweet_id: '97862400778…