It seems that we can encode the fixpoint or the Y combinator (ie, recursion) with data types[1]:
newtype Rec a = In { out :: Rec a -> a }
y :: (a -> a) -> a
y = \f -> (\x -> f (out x x)) (In (\x…
### Describe the bug
When looking at the logs when working in Dotty you can see the following error:
exception caught when loading class Deprecated: java.lang.AssertionError: assertion fail…
I use weewx to participate in the CWOP program using your interceptor driver for ecowitt-client.
Issue arrises when I run "CumulusMX." There is only one customize page in "WSView." Both programs …
## Description
I'm trying to get the FFI to Java running on MacOS 10.14.3, using the documentation [here](
While pondering the questions in https://github.com/goldfirere/singletons/pull/427#discussion_r361532779, I realized that trying to document the existing status quo regarding what language constructs …
This issue tracks overall problems with compiling MLton with MLKit.
Related issues:
- [x] #100
- [x] #102 (compilation of MLton now takes 19m42s)
- [x] #101
- [x] #97
- [x] #104
Is it possible to implement the Hindley Milner type inference algorithm using this package's API? The reason I ask is that I made an initial attempt to do so, but ran into difficult making polymorphi…
Currently, if we have a simple phantom type like this in Haskell:
newtype Id a = Id { unId :: Text }
there exists a valid elm equivalent of:
type Id a = Id { unId : S…
arbus updated
5 years ago
#### Description of the problem
This works in Coq 8.9 but fails in recent master
Axiom x : list nat.
Axiom ident : Set.
Axiom eta : forall (T : ident -> Type) (f : forall idc, T idc), Set…