一开始想做一个app或者公众号承载的视频、八卦、新闻类的面向电子竞技的垂直类聚合应用 现在看 时代已经过去了 后来又想做一个类似游戏的大社区 能够通过关联 社交类 微博 微信 qq 电商类 淘宝 京东 一号店 娱乐类 土豆 优酷 爱奇艺 电竞类 熊猫 战旗 等平台 将用户浏览、观看、互动的数据 、各平台的积分整合起来 形成与保险行业 医疗行业的互换
Dear Chen
Thanks for the amazing work.
I have a question regarding the databases used for training VAE and MLD. I assume if the database is more diverse, the MLD generated actions would become more …
如何才能在成果中列出所有作者呢? 我尝试修改bst文件,但是看不太懂应该修改哪里
Dear Dr.Wu,
I am a student of UESTC and I'm very interesetd about your work. Thanks for your code and data. I get the results of auoencoder of your work. It looks very well. But when I use the pa…
The original code is written in matlab, and the network architectures are appended in the code package.
It's my honor to read your code in tensorflow, but there are some problems in your code differe…
Thanks for your work in the field of image deraining!
We are very interested in your work and want to used it to assess our experiment results. Can you release the code and pre-trained modle of B-…
I'm integrating hnswlib into my own code, I have the following suggestions:
1. I think that the data passed to `addPoint` should be `const void *` .
the data in dropbox is not avaliable yet
could you please update your data ?
thank you !
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