This [portion of the code in _FIFirstViewController_](https://github.com/smartVong/4square/blob/master/FourSquareInfo/FIFirstViewController.m#L70-L75) looks a little bit unfitted.
``` Objective-C
- (…
Hi @danielt1263 !
First, thanks for your nice example, I really like your very functional style in this project and also in RxMyCoordinator 💯
I have a question for you. How would you deal with…
Can you spend more time to complete remaining optional features what will improve your Swift knowledge. We still have time to update until 6pm Monday :smile:
也許因為時間因素而直接指定 `rowHeight` 78.
但大部分時機, 建議利用 cel…
I have cart an app news app and I am trying to make SWRevealViewController to work in the main controller (ListViewController - in my case). So far when I tap on the catogory on the menu it appears in…
I'm new to iOS development. And I found this plugin very interesting, so I want to implement it. But I stumble upon a problem that I cannot resolve.
My code like looks like this:
> 本文来自尚妆iOS团队[嘉文](https://weibo.com/u/3338232200)
> 发表于[尚妆github博客](https://github.com/ShowJoy-com/showjoy-blog/issues/24),欢迎订阅!
# 准备:
###### 1.FDTemplateLayoutCell
- 由sunny大神出品的自动计算UITableviewC…
We are trying to override the default iOS VoiceOver read out during the scrolling of a UITableView with `RxTableViewSectionedReloadDataSource` binded to it.
After extending our ViewController to `UI…
Ma-He updated
4 months ago
Is there a way to access the underlying data struct of results objects?
For example, I want to implement a delete edit function using
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, commitEditingStyl…