For the point above, there is only a way to filter with NUS Course Codes, …
Amy Powell Moman
**Authoring Organization(s)**
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI)
**Email address**
**Use Case Title**
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Use this to register your lab for hosting and/or update the list
of experiments in the lab.
Repo Owner Details
Name - Meera A Khandekar
GitHub handle - coepvlab
Email id - mgj.instru@coep.ac.in…
### Feature Description
### Use Case
_No response_
### Proposed Solution
_No response_
### Alternatives (optional)
_No response_
### Additional Context
Currently, the [ceterms:requires](https://credreg.net/ctdl/terms/requires) property on [ceterms:Course](https://credreg.net/ctdl/terms/Course) has a range of [ceterms:Competency](https://credreg.net/c…
Dear team,
We have recently recieved a report from a teacher that after importing the block LevelUp in a new moodle course, not all the settings of the block were there:
1. The level names were…
Module names are case sensitive in the program. As the target students as are NUS students as mentioned in the UG, this might cause inconvenience to students using the app as they do not distinguish b…
I updated the section on requirements in index.md to reflect the fact that we provide PCs and an online environment,so learners don't HAVE to have a laptop with admin access, and software should be in…
Course code, if applicable: 054443
University hosting the course: Politecnico di Milano
Contact person: Elisabetta Di Nitto & Matteo Camilli & Matteo Giovanni Rossi, elisabetta.dinitto@polimi.it;mat…
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe
Hey mate, @shun-iwasawa would love to know your thoughts on this and how the community might be able to help develop the course.