At iCampEU there was a great discussion of a desktop application for managing Islandora content. This wish has also been expressed in https://github.com/mjordan/claw_rest_ingester/issues/8, and this […
Between core REST file uploads, JSON:API file uploads, and modules such as [file_upload_options](https://www.drupal.org/project/file_upload_options), we can completely drop our custom REST endpoints. …
I enabled permissions_by_entity (part of [permissions_by_term](https://www.drupal.org/project/permissions_by_term)) and created a "Staff Only" term in the "Islandora Access" vocabulary with fcrepo and…
Pls tag: "Use Case" and "UI".
Following up on https://github.com/Islandora-CLAW/CLAW/issues/808, which describes how multilingual content is represented internally and as Linked Data, I'd like to i…
1. 네바다주립대 프로그램은 인공지능혁신융합대학 사업 프로그램 참여경력이 없으면 아예 지원자격이 안되는 건가요??
1-1. 어의대동제에 참여했다는 것이 정확히 어떤 것이 기준인지 궁금합니다. 예를 들어 공연을 봤다 이런것도 포함되는건가요?
2. 울름공대의 프로그램에 관련된 자료가 궁금합니다.
3. 이번 겨울 단기 교환학생은 위 2개의 학교가 전부인지…
hello! i've seen issue 34 but i still have a problem, so please if you can
Wat steps will reproduce the problem?
1.wpa brutefosing encription hangs on larger wordlist, in my case wordlis…
hello! i've seen issue 34 but i still have a problem, so please if you can
Wat steps will reproduce the problem?
1.wpa brutefosing encription hangs on larger wordlist, in my case wordlis…
**Describe the bug**
Error occurs when trying to collect information on `EXTRACT_AND_MOVE_OPERATION` refactoring operation. This error is likely a result of changes in the `refactoringMiner 2.3` inte…
I'm hoping I didn't miss it somewhere, but how would go about generating derivative files for objects in the system? For example we ingested >10,000 items, but something went wrong where the…