I have tried to run the Phydrus module with success, but the program reports an error when ploting.
For example, for step 7 in example 1, I tried to run the following code. Yes means it works…
@HanSon 貌似微信网页版的username 在退出微信重进以后会变 对于群来说有什么微信识别的字段
Testing RRTMGP with the new development tag.
Same as 92 (#534) except turning on RRTMGP. We also the namelist for the extra cam output and the interpolation…
New control with sandbox: ``cesm3_cam6_3_058_MOM``
This sandbox includes the ``cam6_3_058.dtsens`` code base.
Basically the run uses the same setting as #112 but with a new sandbox…
Our v1 highres control production run (as well as the transient run) that we moved from theta to chrysalis was found to have zeros in the `mpaso.hist.am.timeSeriesStatsMonthly.*.nc` file. These runs u…
Hello, here's my crash... Please help me!
When I right click on the digtron boxe (I want all my digtron pput in the box, I forgot the box name) And when I want to do it server is crashing.
C:\Users\Admin\Documents\VBot>$ python install.py
WARNING: Skipping discord as it is not installed.
WARNING: Skipping discord.py as it is not installed.
WARNING: Skipping discord.py-self as it…
1 有木有提供杀死进程的方法,目前用同一个session 执行两次我看后台进程并不会杀死之前的进程 ,只能通过sh脚本控制么
2 如果要用swoole api 的话能否用同一个端口 根据session 区分 哪个用户 ,可以通过修改哪些文件实现这个功能呢