when running app.py vgg16_final.keras gets downloaded however there is still problem with the application trying to find the .keras file
## when ingredient image is uploaded:
Could you upload 'VGG16_weights.hdf5' file to somewhere so that I may be able to download it from there?
I have trained three ssd models, using vgg16_reduced, mobilenet_512 and mobilenet_608. After that I am running inference on a video, using batches of a single frame and comparing the speed of t…
Are the parameters of VGG16 in RCF updated or fixed during training?
Hi Alex and other authors!
Thanks for sharing the code and the amazing work, really loving the idea of saving the maxpooling indexes!
I'm currently trying to implement SegNet (and later, Bayesia…
I try to implement your code.
I downloaded VGG16 model from https://github.com/machrisaa/tensorflow-vgg and put it in my_vgg folder. However, when I run the program, it shows the log like th…
Excuse me, I can't download the file vgg16.npy, would you mind giving me a copy? thanks. My Email address is blingopen@qq.com
the prototxt and caffemodel is downloaded from this site:
when I compile the VGG16 CNN, there is an error:
- nvdla@nvdla:~/NVDLA/git-nvdla-…
After running I recieve next message:
> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'NoneType' and 'float'
Haven't used THINGSvision in a while (last time thingsvision.vision was still a thing) so I updated to the latest version to extract feature values for some images. I am doing this in vscode with outp…