This is a wishlist from previous viur-meeting regarding second factor login:
- Further second factors (#820 targets a selection of several second factors)
- Authy/Google Authenticator (#578 focu…
Both scripts should be merged into one, and [`viur-2to3`](https://github.com/viur-framework/viur-cli/blob/main/src/viur_cli/scripts/viur_2to3.py) should become a part of `viur-core`, as it relates clo…
Currently, VIUR users have to use a `NumericBone(precision=2)` to handle currency values like a total or a price for an article.
In [Vi3/flare, code was submitted](https://github.com/viur-framework/f…
I found this statement, it does nothing.
> eval "$(_VIUR_COMPLETE=bash_source viur)"
bash: Syntaxfehler beim unerwarteten Symbol »(«
> echo "$(_VIUR_COMPLETE=bash_source viur)"
ERROR: The configuration in project.json contains in…
Currently you must provide the `defaultValue` in the structure of the internal bone value:
test_boolean_single_lang1 = BooleanBone(
This is surely a little stupid and IMHO not necessary anymore.
> But this is stupid, since you can the bone from the skeleton (which is passed).
_Originally posted by @sveneberth in https://gith…
This issue is a little bit hard to describe... in some cases, the admin calls a module's add or edit function within a context, which pre-fills some bones e.g. a RelationalBone with `mybone.dest.key=s…
The validation allows only bool, if you provide a `callable` (that returns a boolean) a `TypeError` is raised