May anyone help me ? I'm trying to install into my NuxtJS project and got this error:
npm i @townsquarelabs/ui-vue
npm ERR! code ERESOLVE
npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tre…
in ./src/components/tool/AStepItem.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=45f62939&lang=less&scoped=true
Syntax Error: TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'parent')
@ ./node_modules…
**1. hash 和 history的区别?**
在vue3的中,用createWebHashHistory 和 createWebHistory来表示hash 和 history。
从源码上来看,createWebHashHistory就是给 base 末尾添加了'#'号,然后调用createWebHistory。
1. hash模式占用了锚点位, 手动改变路径(直…
I have read a tiny part of source of this project, then I found that it seems to just change hash to route. I suggest that use the useRouter to get the router instance and call router.push, so that th…
### Summary
I am getting a strange error in the console when trying to configure Storybook to use Pinia within a Vue & Vite project....
I have a simple reproduction case at https://github.com/er…
### What problem is this solving
### Description
Vue Router currently calculates the scroll position on every router.push navigation by invoking the computeScrollPosition function, which accesse…
Is it normal that after PWA implementation in terminal I see warnings like that?
> WARN warnings 6:49:09 PM
> One of the glob patterns d…
##### 版本号:
##### 问题描述:
##### 错误截图:
#### 友情提示:
- 未按格式要求发帖、描述过于简单的,会被直接删掉;
- 描述问题请图文并茂,方便我们…
"dependencies": {
"fabric": "^6.4.3",
"konva": "^9.3.15",
"nuxt": "^3.13.0",
"vue": "latest",
"vue-konva": "^3.1.2",
"vue-router": "lates…