javascript, enumeration
JS Finding can be used to extract JavaScript (JS) files from either a single d…
wayback, bugbounty, osint, recon, timemachine
The Time Machine - Weaponizing WaybackUrls f…
Hi all,
After applying plasma track I tried to install aur package visual studio code, when I apply system update - sudo akshara update via command line I see following output
Creating grou…
xss, reflected-xss
HALA offers a powerful capability that enables you to identify reflected parameters within …
I am getting error as below;
How can I overcome this error?
Installed pv
Installed go
Installed python3
Installed ccze
Installed git
Installed pip
Installed pup
### Issue Summary
For rEngine recommended, YAML was modified accordingly:
uses_tools: [ amass-passive, assetfinder, sublist3r, subfinder, oneforall ]
threads: 10
it only gives 400 search urls
how can we maximize it
[short_descr]Find way more from the Wayback Machine! [/short_descr]
[long_descr]The idea behind waymore is to find ev…
Who is the best?
secret, enumeration
SecretOpt1c is a Red Team tool that helps uncover sensitive information i…