# Development environment
Windows 10 64-bit
CMake project using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
Target : Win32 debug
# Problem
Multiple memory leaks when declaring a `xlnt::workbook`.
# Code Sn…
I downloaded "xlnt" yesterday (April 27th 2020), and tried to compile it.
When compiling with MSVC Ultimate 2012 I get an endless list of errors, including some internal compiler errors, using the ma…
on master branch :
$ tests/xlnt.test
I updated xlnt from version 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 via vcpkg.
vcpkg compiled with success.
But my own project fails with errors.
The cause was quickly found.
In numeric.hpp line 65 and 74 the definition…
When I using Xlnt:x64-windows build by vcpkg, reading test.xlsx created by Excel 2019
witch has the same value in the same sheet, it will throw exception "couldn't open file:
(sizes don't matc…
[test (2).xlsx](https://github.com/tfussell/xlnt/files/13233440/test.2.xlsx)
Loading this file will throw an exception, but the content looks normal.
Exception In:
` if ((in_style_reco…
xlnt::workbook doesn't seem to have this feature.
Could you please make a new release that enables support for .xlsm files? Then I will create an issue in vcpkg to update the xlnt port.
code in here:
`xlnt::workbook wb;
xlnt::worksheet ws = wb.active_sheet();
char name[128] = { 0 };
strcpy(name, "Iwt Script log");
//changeText fun: change ansii tu utf-8
Due to some personal circumstances, I haven't really been maintaining this project for quite some time. I'm now ready to start dedicating time again on a weekly basis to get out a new stability releas…