Seen just now in #synapse-dev:
The link is https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-…
Hello! Your code helped me a lot. But there were changes in YouTrack (token) on 01/25/2022. Could you make adjustments? Thanks in advance!
Trying to find method for https://www.jetbrains.com/help/youtrack/devportal/api-usecase-issue-history.html.
Am i right there is no such method in youtrack-sdk library?
Request-URL with more complex query parameters won't match.
const url = "https://address-wont-matt.er/things?foo=a,b,c";
mockFetch.intercept(url).response("well done");
const result = await …
I encountered an error with port publishing and the container type network mode while using IntelliJ. It seems to be related to the network mode setting.
Error: conflicting options: port publishing…
We could provide a `StompClient()` factory function without `WebSocketClient` argument, which would discover an implementation automatically the same way `ServiceLoader` does on the JVM.
Ktor's `Ht…
Related to: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTIJ-21050
In https://github.com/gradle/gradle/blob/1e76ce94dbc7304f7ec822ba63cbdae5cb5487ab/subprojects/core/src/main/java/org/gradle/tooling/provi…
After moving to github, it might prove interesting to move other stuff there,
especially issues.
It seems some people have scripts for that :
When a new plugin version is published to pkl-intellij's custom plugin repository,
subsequent IntelliJ update checks fail to find it ("All plugins are up to date").
The only way to update the plugin…