Surprisingly, IE10's flexbox implementation actually _works_ (shocking I know). Although it's the 2011 spec, it might make sense to include limited support for it.
For example, for the box-flex mixin…
URL: http://www.the-haystack.com/2010/01/23/css3-flexbox-part-1/ and http://www.the-haystack.com/2012/01/04/learn-you-a-flexbox/
The articles include a disclaimer stating things have changed…
Other prefixes and possible properties left out for brevity.
When you take a snippet like `transition: transform` and hit generate vendor prefixes, Web Essentials generates the`-webkit-transition: tr…
list of unsupported properties
Given the following `config.rb`:
``` ruby
css_dir = "."
sass_dir = "."
output_style = :expanded
relative_assets = true
line_comments = false
and a file `styles.scss`:
``` scss
mgol updated
10 years ago
Right Hand Cards are currently appearing at the top of the right hand column in IE10.
Should be at bottom
gidsg updated
10 years ago
This probably requires a lot of manual work (up to 217 articles from “yes” list).
Possible task workflow. Feel free to automate it.
1. Run `git clone git@github.com:operasoftware/devopera.git` to clo…
Modern browsers [support flexbox](http://caniuse.com/#feat=flexbox)
Should we use it? Down with floats for layout!
The `href` has extra quote characters in the URL, like:
1. Only supports the
old flexbox specification
which tries to load `http://beta.caniuse.com/%22http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-css…
Is there css + html example?
ghost updated
11 years ago