# !python
import numpy as np
from obspy.core import Trace
tr = Trace(data=np.ones(2))
print tr
tr.write("onesample.MSEED", "MSEED")
prints the following and doesn't terminate.
# !python
from obspy.core import read
st = read("/bay_mobil/old_data/RJOB_2006_08_07-2006_12_13/EHZ.D/RJOB.BW.EHZ.D.300806.0000")
print st[0].stats
st = read("/bay_mobil/old_data/RJOB_2006_08_07-…
With a single trace stream I get strange time-labelling using "plot"
if I use stream3.plot(outfile='try3.png',tick_format='%H:%m')
Basically it skips a whole hour;
Time labelling is fine if I don…
Not sure whether this is a known issue or can be considered unimportant...when I read in a Miniseed file and write it in SAC format, the values for delta and sampling_rate change ever so slightly:
I talked with Moritz about this today,... how about agreeing on an unofficial convention for storing PAZ and Coordinate information in `Stats` objects?[[BR]]
In `obspy.seishub.client._WaveformMapperCl…
At the moment there is no quick way to get a well readable version of the Stats object.[[BR]]
In the API (via `core.__init__.py`) there is an example that I can **not** reproduce.[[BR]]
# !python
After a .pop() call on !AttribDict the corresponding entry is still there when accessed as an attribute:
# !python
from obspy.core import read, path
tr = read(path("RJOB.BW.EHZ.D.300806.0000.ful…
Overall Statistics
Categories: 2 ==> OK
Objects in Data Set: 1000 ==> OK
Workers in Data Set: 83 ==> OK
Labels Assigned by Workers: 5000 ==> OK
Data Statistics
Average[Object]: 500.5 ==> REMOVE
hello, i'm planning to use obspy for data conversion tasks.
my aim is to convert custom ASCII format (accelerometric data) into miniSEED.
i'm reading the obspy tutorial, section "Anything to MiniSEE…
I think there is a bug in `readSACXY`[[BR]]
See the [http://tests.obspy.org/?id=1190#0 test report].[[BR]]
I think the first waveform line is recognized as still header.