Integrate a logging framework with support for TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR logging.
Log level should be configurable by config file and overridable by command-line argument or environment va…
As of 2016-06-18, reproducing [building-gdp.md](https://github.com/gmacario/easy-jenkins/blob/master/docs/building-gdp.md) produces the following error:
Started by user anonymous
[EnvInject] - Lo…
As of 2016-07-04 the instructions at https://github.com/gmacario/easy-jenkins/blob/master/docs/building-gdp.md cause a failed build.
Excerpt from http://alm-gm-ubu15.mentorg.com:9080/job/GENIVI/job/b…
**Build Environment**
MACHINE: dragonboard-410c
Poky: jethro branch
meta-qcom: jethro branch
I got the below error in arm 64bit
`ERROR: debugedit failed with exit code 256 (cmd was '/home/changhyeok…
chbae updated
8 years ago
GENIVI has both archives of old SDL repos and mirrors of current SDL repos hosted in its git repository: http://git.projects.genivi.org/
We wonder if it makes sense for us to still be carrying t…
the orginal location is:
in CommonAPI tools project.
it is not exist or cannot open now.
which link shall i use to replace?
Reverse engineer http://go.genivi.org/go/admin/pipelines/software-loading-manager/general
- [x] GDP now means "GENIVI Development Platform" - See upstream https://at.projects.genivi.org/jira/browse/GDP-197
- [x] Source repositories have been migrated to https://github.com/genivi - See upst…
As PR https://github.com/GENIVI/open-adress-book/pull/1 was accepted we should fix the name of the git repository as well (from https://github.com/GENIVI/open-adress-book to https://github.com/GENIVI/…
Suggestion: Choose one of the green-lighted licenses listed in http://docs.projects.genivi.org/License/Public_Policy_for_GENIVI_Licensing_and_Copyright_v1.6.pdf
Notice that V2.0 should be released in…