The following code works in coq 8.4, but not in HoTT/coq:
``` coq
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Generalizable All Variables.
Record SpecializedCategory (obj : Type) :=
When I try to run the universe starting agent I get the error go_vncdriver was installed without OpenGL support. So I looked on the github of the vncdriver and did everything it said there. But the er…
When ordered apt-mirror
apt-mirror: can't open index archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu//dists/artful/main/source/Sources in process_index at /usr/bin/apt-mirror line 800.
apt-mirror: can't open index ar…
I need to impersonate a SA in order to be able to sign GCS URLs locally as follows:
gcloud auth application-default login --impersonate-service-account=EMAIL
However, instantiating `…
In order to augment developer workflows we need to understand what tools/contexts are a part of that universe.
ℹ️ Not intending to list all possible tools, but at least the ones we are supporting an…
Maybe worth looking into - there's a chrome extension API for working with Auth: https://gist.github.com/raineorshine/970b60902c9e6e04f71d // general webextensions API: https://developer.mozilla.org/…
## BUG简述
Here is how I tried:
stulluk ~ $ cd Downloads/
stulluk ~/Downloads $ git clone https://github.com/yazinsai/srt-ai
Cloning into 'srt-ai'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 326, done.
## Description
Currently, tags / keyword labels are taken from the repository. But we have many packages and not all of the repository tags apply to each one. Currently if someone searches for 'met…
We have a package which has Bioconductor dependencies https://mrcieu.r-universe.dev/genepi.utils
Today we see some build failures related to those dependencies.
A little bit surprisingly to me t…