This relates to a question asked on Stack Overflow [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29622871/spring-cloud-hystrix-dashboard-not-working-with-oauth/29697164?noredirect=1#comment47533961_296971…
For testing we wanted to package the Eureka Server, the Spring Cloud Config Server and the Spring Boot Admin UI into one war file.
When adding all the necessary dependencies and the applying the annot…
Hi, we're running an application using Hystrix (the latest version, 1.4.10), a Turbine aggregator and the Hystix dashboard. In the application logs we consistently see:
2015-06-04 10:27:36,882 […
the hystrix-dashboard index.html is not working correctly, if a context path is set, because the following src url is not considering the context path:
Same for the hystrix-monitor-dashboar…
I am using maven 3.2.2 and running `mvn install -s .settings.xml` and that resulted in missing dependencies
ERROR] The project org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-config:1.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHO…
Trying to use spring-cloud-starter-hystrix-dashboard and @EnableHystrixDashboard
Hystrix Dashboard is not showing up rejected count, though the hystrix stream json response has rejected count. We are tried Hystrix Dashboard version hystrix-dashboard-1.3.18 and hystrix-dashboar…
Hi ,
I started implementing Hystrix for one of our REST(JSON) based service and found that Dash board circuit is not coming for host name with HTTPS port . Host Name with HTTP port is good th…
I am experiencing a weird issue while using flatMap for chaining API calls.
The idea is, we hit a URL which returns a list of users. The users would be returned in this form:
users: [
user: "aaa@b…
Creating a new ticket as the previous one was closed and there's no way for me to reopen it.
When we're testing out RxNetty we're getting some very unstable response times that sometimes reach a fac…