Normaliz http://www.mathematik.uni-osnabrueck.de/normaliz/ is one of the dependencies of Macaulay2 (which is also an optional package), but can be of interest on its own as well.
Install the spkg f…
The doctests in `devel/sage/sage/databases/jones.py` are marked "#optional - jones_database". These test the optional package `database_jones_numfield-v4.spkg`, so they *should* be labeled "#option…
due to an upcoming release of M2 update to current svn as recommened by the M2 developers.
This used to be:
This is on a minimal Ubuntu install without the system-wide readline-dev package.
currenly frobby is broken due to a C++ issue which Macaulay2 people know how to fix.
This ticket converts frobby into a new-style package and applies this fix, and other patches they came up with.
After upgrading from 9.8.beta6 to 9.6.beta7, launching sage in emacs (`M-x run-sage`) makes emacs totally unresponsive. The only way to escape is to kill emacs (`killall emacs` in console).
This h…
Implement this:
sage: from sage.doctest.external import has_graphviz, has_ffmpeg, has_imagemagick
sage: has_graphviz() # random
sage: has_ffmpeg() # random
sage: has_imagemagick()…
From [8.3.beta1 post](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-release/zh04lo8d44U/P6hrZEusAAAJ) on sage-release:
sage -t src/sage/misc/latex.py --optional=sage,external --logfile a.log
Running doc…
I have a system with 7 variables, and on Mcaulay2, I can generate a zero dim Ideal from it. However, when I run the `generate_solver.m` function, I get the error:
Error using assert
With this branch, the default value of `--optional` in `sage -t` is larger than the list of installed new-style optional packages.
In particular, `cplex` and `gurobi` (which are not optional packag…
Note the error last line. Seems the `**` routine assumes the modules are irreducible. @dswinarski
i2 : needsPackage "LieTypes"
o2 = LieTypes
o2 : Package
i4 : g=simpleLieAlgebra("A"…