As far as I can tell, that's what is happening here. Here's the output of `bundle update -V`
Updating git://github.com/hyperoslo/capistrano-foreman.git
Updating https://github.com/bryanrite/carr…
- [ ] Name: NotifiCa$h
- Code: it.notificash/it.notificash.notificash
- Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.notificash
- [ ] Name: MaterialOS
- Code: org.materialos.icons/org.materi…
Здравствуйте. Решил начать использовать
сервис Raindrop.io. Это "облачный" "собиратель"
ссылок наподобие Pocket, только несколько
иной и, имхо, чуть более удобный. Можно
как-нибудь подключить …
Placeholder for finding a home for the PDF manual "source" (i.e. Word/Publisher/Etc).
@Lukas-W, @sti2nd, @Umcaruje, @stakeoutpunch do you have any opinions on this? I think it would be beneficial to…
tresf updated
9 years ago
This is a little bit of a sarcastic issue.
Recently discovered, a similar program already exists. So many startups in the world, so many ideas being created and realized at each moment.
Every idea I …
Running into some issues with getting everything working correctly.
When i try using rails-composer, it fails with: The template [https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails-composer/master/composer.rb] c…
rikai updated
8 years ago
Здравствуйте. Решил начать использовать
сервис Raindrop.io. Это "облачный" "собиратель"
ссылок наподобие Pocket, только несколько
иной и, имхо, чуть более удобный. Можно
как-нибудь подключить …
After updating from to I got error:
diaspora@np:~/diaspora$ DB=postgres bin/rake db:migrate
rake aborted!
NameError: uninitialized constant ActionView::Helpers::ActiveModelHelper
I was not able to complete the migration successfully, I had to rollback to a previous deploy. These are the logs:
Counting objects: 1, done.
Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 189 bytes | 0 bytes/s, d…
Hi Everyone,
I tried taking the plunge into Hobo, especially following the long tutorial ( http://hobocentral.net/tutorials/agility ) from my usual Rails new app. I use Chruby for ruby versioning inst…