Contract address: 0xc1eC40b714281519ea367eB06429d1701Ed18b5f
Issuer's official website: https://satoshi.team/
Official contract address confirmation: https://satoshi.team/
A link to a t…
## LRC 1
LRC Number: 1
Title: Loki Monetization
Created: date (2019-02-12)
An LRC is a Loki Request for Comment. These documents should outline an issue that affects the di…
# Audit request
Ethereum Anonymizer - service and wallet for anonymous transactions of any tokens and Ether in Ethereum network. https://satoshi.team/
# Source code
Looking at the code, it looks to me that the proofs don't depend on the hash of a block. Couldn't I change the block and rehash everything?
So I could change transaction information, change the 'pr…
There's a generic way to reduce the memory usage of proving a statement in a zk-SNARK (generic meaning it works for any not-too-small statement), at the cost of increasing proof size. It works in a si…
daira updated
6 years ago
I've used OTS with success and now am working on some solutions on ethereum. It seems the chainpoint spec is flexible to accommodate both. Would you be interested in a converter?
### Expected behavior
The evidence of a Segment should be enough to allow a complete validation.
### Actual behavior
The only missing piece are the signatures of the validator nodes on the block…
The other containers include validity checks to ensure that all operations on valid inputs produce valid outputs. For some reason, these seem to be missing from `IntMap` and `IntSet` tests. That makes…
Hello @solidblu1992
Would you help me to optimize my version of bulletproofs and mixer? I've shredded almost 2.5 mil gas by only reading public parameters from the storage once and another 1 milli…
The current implementation has no support for edge labels and this is a serious limitation. Let's use this issue to discuss possible designs.
As an example, consider a graph with vertices `1`, `2`,…