People should be able to look up their alderman based on their address. I believe we already have everything we need for doing this with OCD, right @evz?
To recreate, go here: http://chicouncilmatic.datamade.us/search/?q=&selected_facets=topics_exact:Residents
and then scroll down and navigate to the next page. Filters are not preserved
Or have the sponsor list have a count.
The number of sponsors is a good indication that something has a chance of passing the council.
They can easily be 40 megabytes. Thouhts @cathydeng
committee members don't show on committee detail page, committee chairs don't show on committee listing page
This very interesting order was referred to the committee on public safety
but we don't show that info.
We could do this two ways.
1. Show…
Seems Disqus is not displaying on all [Intro pages](http://nyc.councilmatic.org/legislation/int-210-2014/?view=comments) site-wide, same with [other leg. types](http://nyc.councilmatic.org/legislation…
Intro 788 is relevant to AirBNB discussion in NYC.
On [Legistar](http://legistar.council.nyc.gov/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2286841&GUID=A24E5D98-591E-48D0-BC33-ED235D7DDC8E&Options=ID%7cText%7c&Sear…