The [GasStation](https://etherscan.io/address/0x04C0205b9D900a49597d9a0345aEAD6D73307C3B) was last topped up with 10 ETH at the beginning of March. It has been fully depleted since then due to the fol…
Ethers not showing up in Rinkeby Testnet Etherscan or MetMask. I used https://faucet.rinkeby.io/. I got the green message stating approval but the Ethers don't show up. What am I doing wrong?
My tw…
The `proxyMintTokens` function takes 2 parameters `string _paidCurrency, string _paidTxID`.
It is possible to save on gas costs each time this function is called by changing these parameters to `by…
1.) Please add a validation to check DAI there in wallet or not !! After executing the transaction throwing the error stating that DAI is not there.
### Environment information
- OS: linux
- Python 3.10.12
$ ape --version
```$ ape plugins list
Installed Plugins
alchemy 0.7.0
arbitrum 0.7.0
ens …
From April 18th in Discord **#ousd-bot**:
Find bugs or backdoors in the ERC20 ethereum token.
Github: https://github.com/pit-coin/pit-coin.github.io/blob/master/contracts/Token.sol
Ropsten testnet: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0…
Hi, I've wanted to fund loan, I've sent Ethers via button and MetaMask, but I was second. I'm not borrower in this loan but my Ethers are on this contract. What I can do now?
## Versions
Version of Hardhat 2.14.0, 2.15.0
Version Hardhat-deploy 0.11.30
Version of nodejs 18.16.0
## What happened?
after deploying a contract with hardhat I started the verify task.
It f…
I did this transaction:
The aim was to swap coins between the Terra and Harmony blockchain…