$ /src/ybd/ybd.py clusters/genivi-demo-platform-x86_32-deploy.morph x86_32
16-04-27 20:54:37 [SETUP] Running /src/ybd/ybd.py in /src/definitions
16-04-27 20:54:38 [SETUP] Setting config from /src/ybd/…
In recipes-support there is a recipe for libitzam. This code is dual licensed -- simplified BSD for open source projects like ours and commercial license for closed source projects. If we want anyone …
I believe some folks from the SDL project setup a GitHub repo called genivi: https://github.com/genivi
GENIVI is hoping to move some, if not all, their repos to a mirror on GitHub and would like …
Steps to reproduce: Follow instructions at https://github.com/gmacario/easy-jenkins/blob/master/docs/building-gdp-ivi9-beta.md
Excerpt from http://mv-linux-powerhorse.solarma.it:9080/job/GENIVI/job/b…
See https://at.projects.genivi.org/jira/browse/TOOL-66 for rationale and motivations
I am trying to build the latest version of crate openssl (aka 0.7.8) for Raspberry Pi 2 (ARMv7) through a Yocto/OE recipes that depends on meta-rust but it fails due to the following issue:
From @gunnarx [comment on GENIVI TOOL-34](https://at.projects.genivi.org/jira/browse/TOOL-34?focusedCommentId=11007&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-11007)…
This seems required when building recipe navit_svn.bb even though this is not documented in section "Build from source" of https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/display/GDP/GENIVI+Demo+Platform+%28GDP%2…
This seems required when building recipe `navit_svn.bb` even though this is not documented in section "Build from source" of https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/display/GDP/GENIVI+Demo+Platform+%28GDP…
From https://github.com/gmacario/easy-jenkins/blob/master/docs/building-yocto-udooneo.md:
Currently 2 running tasks (1301 of 1303):
0: python-2.7.9-r1 do_package_qa (pid 7285)
1: core-image-m…