## Version **1.1.4** of **@compodoc/compodoc** was just published.
Build failing 🚨
I am attempting to migrate my Angular 4.x project to 5 and this warning shows. When I upgrade to Angular 5, sure enough it breaks with this error. Is anybody else encountering this?
"Can't resolve …
Using Angular 5 and UIRouter state routing. I'm using an additional custom route state property as per this interface.
interface AugmentedNg2RouteDefinition extends Ng2StateDeclaration {
I find Aurelia to be super efficient in terms of development, but there is one thing that takes up a few seconds of my time is dependency injection by needing to specify a constructor and use passed i…
@sarmbruster: 'In neo4j-server.properties it is possible to mount one java package to a extension point url. If the unmanged extensions use multiple package, the only option is to register each packag…
I'm using Angular2+ES6 which requires both @Class and @Property decorators.
With the parser set to 'babel-eslint' the class decorators aren't throwing any style errors. Property decorators (ex @Input…
After reading the unit tests for the pipeline, I was able to actually use the pipeline API. At least I was able to do so in a cursory sort of way. However, as the API is a config function for the pi…
how solvethis error :
when run with thiscommand
`./node_modules/casperjs/bin/casperjs lib/myNewBot.js`
App's main module:
function RouterConfig(uiRouter: UIRouter, injector: Injector, module: StatesModule): any {
const eventManager: EventManager = injector.get(EventManager);
Based on usage-pattern, what value is there in naming `Data` class `DataService`?